What Is Biophilic Restaurant Design And Why You Will Need It?

Biophilic Design

Your restaurant design plays a crucial role in shaping its fortunes. Customers expect to get the best ambiance and service when they decide to visit your restaurants. This means you will have to opt for a restaurant decision that makes your restaurant look outstanding from both inside and outside. A restaurant interior is responsible for making customers spend more time or make a quick exit.

In the latter case, you will have to do some quick thinking and find out what is ailing your restaurant interior and accordingly find a design solution that will make them stay for more and also make a return visit.   Keeping with the trend it is better advised that you choose a biophilic restaurant design as it has the appeal and feel to keep your customer glued to your restaurant.

What is a Biophilic Restaurant Design?­­­

Biophilic design is an architectural and interior design approach that incorporates elements of nature into buildings and spaces to promote a connection between humans and the natural world. The term “biophilia” means “love of nature” and the term was invented by biologist E.O. Wilson.

Biophilic design aims to create spaces that:

  • Provide a visual connection to nature (e.g., views, windows, skylights)
  • Incorporate natural materials and textures (e.g., wood, stone, plants)
  • Use natural light and ventilation
  • Incorporate natural patterns and forms (e.g., curves, biomimicry)
  • Create a sense of place and connection to the outdoors
  • Support occupant health and well-being
  • Promote sustainability and environmental awareness

Biophilic design can be achieved through various strategies, including:

  • Adding plants and green walls
  • Incorporating natural materials and textures
  • Using natural light and ventilation
  • Designing for views and visual connection to nature
  • Incorporating natural patterns and forms
  • Creating outdoor spaces and connections to nature
  • Using biophilic-inspired art and decor

What are the Biophilic Design Benefits?

Benefits of biophilic design include:


  • Improved occupant health and well-being
  • Increased productivity and focus
  • Enhanced creativity and innovation
  • Support for sustainability and environmental awareness
  • Improved air quality and ventilation
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased sense of connection to nature and community
  • Increased foot traffic to the restaurant
  • High rate of customer retention

Biophilic design can be applied in various settings besides restaurants including offices, homes, schools, hospitals, and public spaces.

What Are The Examples Of Biophilic Features In Restaurants?

Some of the positive biophilic designs are

  • Collaborate amazing elements of natural elements like plants, creepers, fish tanks, and pillows with pictures of animals and plants is one idea
  • Usage of greenery as much as possible in your restaurant or office. You can use suspended potted plants from the ceiling, and eco-friendly lights, allowing the natural breeze and sunlight into your restaurant
  • Install lighting that mimics the natural lighting
  • Mini Fountains or water features that provide a natural feeling to visitors

You will need a biomorphic forms and patterns biophilic design consultant to sketch this interior and exterior design plan. They are qualified and certified for this purpose and you can go through their past portfolios and physically check them if possible. Undoubtedly, people will enjoy sitting in a restaurant that represents nature. This is the trend and people are going for more and more things that are natural and you can give the credit to global warming, air and ground pollution, extreme temperatures, and manmade environmental calamities.

What are biomorphic forms and patterns?

The use of natural forms and curves and sketches and crafts provides an attractive atmosphere. The use of wood furniture, and human and animal shapes made out of natural materials can evoke a tremendous amount of warmth and coziness.

Installing decorative elements and fixtures that resemble natural elements and evoke the feeling of being in a natural environment is one way of introducing biophilic design. Human and natural elements in their original form can increase customer comfort and evoke the feeling and sense of being among nature.

Take professional help

Introducing biomorphic designs has been in vogue in houses and restaurants for centuries and examples being potted flower plants in the living room, mini fountains, or a waterfall in the middle of a living room or the front patio. You will need some expert advice in this matter and you will find Harleen McLean, the best biomorphic forms and patterns biophilic design consultant and most trusted.



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